Project Description:
The Bahia Restoration Project site is located in northeast Marin County, west of the Petaluma River and south of Black John Slough, in Novato, California. The project is divided into 4 areas: West Bahia, Mahoney Spur, Central Bahia, and East Bahia (including the central, east, and west peninsulas) and included the restoration of tidal marsh and tidal islands, seasonal wetlands, and marsh-upland transitional habitat. Stage 1 of the restoration project was constructed in the summer and fall of 2008.
As part of conditions of project permits, Marin Audubon Society (MAS), the project sponsor, contracted Wetlands and Water Resources, Inc. to monitor the evolution of the marsh toward target conditions. WWR monitors attributes of marsh development including hydrology, geomorphology, and vegetation development.